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Monday, November 4, 2013

A moment to look forward to...

Unfortunately, Democrats have completely turned a deaf ear to the Republicans and the American people. They have their own agenda and they’re not listening to anyone other than their own kind; bipartisan politics no longer exist.

As far as Obamacare is concerned, who cares what the citizens of this country think of it, when the Democrats know just how much in taxes can be collected from all of us, year after year, under this law.

Can you can feel it in the air? Since Obamacare reared its ugly head in 2010, it feels like a different nation in a big way. It’s as if, we the people, don’t matter anymore, and the government (Democrats) can trample us at will. So, don’t expect Obamacare to be the last of it.

Hopefully, in the shortest period of time possible, Obamacare will prove itself to be completely unaffordable to American citizens. Many Americans may have to die from the lack of quality health care being provided, and that’s unfortunate to say the least. However, I believe that after its full implementation, Obama’s signature health care law will fail miserably, the Democrats who voted for it will have to admit this to the American people, and it will be repealed. This is a moment to look forward to!

The government should then find a way to cover only the (millions of) individuals who don’t have health care coverage, and quite frankly, leave the rest of us alone, as they should have from the beginning of this big nightmare!

Remember, this mess all began at the top by a Democrat running the show. – Jon Kennedy 

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