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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You chose to read this…

Whether you have a life filled with great days or not, the choice is entirely yours, regardless of what you may think. You steer your way through life and make all of the choices. You even choose to let others choose for you. Yes, that’s a choice too, even if you choose not to believe this. You chose to read this writing, and you will choose whether or not to remember it. I wish you the very best that life has to offer! – Jon Kennedy

The good in you…

Having good thoughts each day keeps you on a positive track more often than not having any good thoughts at all. Good thoughts can become just as much of a habit as negative thoughts become. Be aware of this and stay on the up side of life. It’s too easy to fall for feeling bad about life because of one incident or another, then using it as an excuse to opt out of everything. Here’s to spreading only the good in you to others! – Jon Kennedy

Friday, October 26, 2012

An expectation level...

You can have an expectation level that's as high as you can imagine. You're in the driver's seat and you can follow a bumpy dirt road and work your way to a beautifully paved road full of exits with opportunities and a great life just around the bend. - Jon Kennedy

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pay close attention...

Whenever someone tells you something that is unsolicited, they usually mean the opposite of what they are relating to you. An example would be telling someone that they're looking good when they know darn well that the individual isn't looking their best. Pay close attention to family, friends, associates and oh yes, politicians, and see if this isn't true. Have fun and understand that this is human nature at work. - Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You are secure...

Don't feel so secure because none of us are; it's just an illusion. OK, that sounds incredibly negative. What's positive is that if you, personally, feel secure at any given moment in a situation, then you are secure as far as you're concerned, and that's security enough. - Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kind words...

If you have something nice to say to someone, by all means, say it! You can never say too many nice things to people to improve this world. It’s the unkind things that we say to each other that need to be kept to an absolute minimum and at all cost. A sharp tongue hurts, but kind words can brighten anyone’s day. Make this a routine and make it a way of life. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, October 22, 2012

A miraculous blessing…

It’s good to be you. Why is it good to be you? Because this is what God intended. If it were yours to question and request changes, then perhaps things would be different for you in some way – or so you think. Consider your life to be a miraculous blessing and never take it for granted. Obviously, God didn’t take your life for granted in the creation of you! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, October 21, 2012

God is ever forgiving…

If God hasn’t been on your mind much, then you’ve probably been missing the big picture up to now. God is all and everything, including not being on your mind. After all, we are creations of God. We are all capable of acts either good or bad. The good news is that God is ever forgiving; just ask! When no one else will forgive you, God will! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dump those silly excuses…

Excuses are the only reason that most don’t even attempt to do something great with their precious life. Examples of excuses include, I’m too young, too old, out of shape, lack extra time, funds, class, too lazy, weak, in bad health, not taken seriously, not too smart; the list goes on. There are those who have severe handicaps and are quite capable of accomplishing incredible feats. They have big excuses to sit back and be pitied, but some go for it and do more than many others who are blessed with far more potential and abilities. So dump those silly excuses off the side of a cliff and finally discover the freedom and ability to do something great with your life! – Jon Kennedy

If no one ever dared…

If no one ever dared to try something new, change the world with an incredible idea, or advance society in some way, we would all go into oblivion quite nicely, and that wouldn’t be nice at all. God bless the dreamers, movers and shakers! – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The world would be…

If you love what you do every day and you’re having fun with it, then it’s all play and not work at all. The world would be an incredible place if every one of us could be living this lifestyle. This could be a dream world! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, October 15, 2012

You are the one who says you can…

You can do whatever you want because you are the one who says you can – or can’t. None of us are plugged into someone else making us do what we do. We get to decide what we are to do with ourselves. Never place the blame on someone else for your outcome. God bless you! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, October 11, 2012

If we all shared our inspirations…

I’m constantly inspired by my surroundings, so it’s only right that I share my thoughts with as many people as imaginable. If we all shared our inspirations with everyone possible, think how it could help improve our world on a constant basis. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, October 8, 2012

Into your awareness for eternity…

Imagine seeing colors that you have not seen, hearing musical notes that you have not heard, and living your life as if it were a moment to moment dream that constantly adventures its way in the direction you choose. It’s possible because you’re reading about it here, and this idea has slipped into your awareness for eternity. The notion was always there, but you may just be making its discovery at this very moment. Have fun with this; there are no limits as to how creative you can be in any and every way! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Nothing new about this election…

The candidates have us arguing with each other over the issues and who thinks they’re right when it comes to solving them. It’s amazing that both sides think that they are correct in their plans to solve our nation’s woes. We Americans deserve better than all of this egotistical banter by the candidates which is mostly hot air to get votes and power. We’ve seen it time and time again with many, many elections. There is nothing new about this election. Right now, the division between the two parties is easy to see and hear. Don’t let politicians come between you and your family and friends. In the final analysis, we are not on the left or right, but “one nation under God.” – Jon Kennedy & “one nation under God” taken from The Pledge of Allegiance by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Americans are blessed...

I’m grateful to be an American and I would never trade countries with anyone. Most of us don’t realize it, but we Americans are blessed far more than we know. Just look around you; abundance is everywhere. Many people dream of living here. Here’s to life in our truly great land! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

God and the Universe have a definite plan…

Having control; having your say; having it your way: none of these things really mean anything. At the beginning and end of your life, it wasn’t, and won’t be under your control because you had your say, and had it your way. That’s fine and it’s nothing to be concerned about, because God and the Universe have a definite plan for each and every one of us. We are well taken care of for eternity. Our moment of life here on earth is nothing more than a blip in the grand scheme of things. However, it is all part of our grand scheme of existence for certain, and has meaning well known to God. God bless our incredible and eternal existence! – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm not taking sides...

The top richest families, then big corporations, followed by the government, and finally, the citizenry; this is the hierarchal structure of this nation. Now you can see how the government bailouts took place. No matter who happened to be running the government, the higher-ups (big corporations) ordered the government to bail them out - those who were deemed “too big to fail.” Had they not been bailed-out, the hierarchy structure would have ended up with a colossal gap, leading to an economic collapse. I’m not taking sides, but this is the reason these corporations were too big to fail. This is the reason that citizens of this nation were not provided with any bailout money. We the citizens can’t tell the government to bail us out, but the top richest families and big corporations can. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, October 1, 2012

The emotions that bring…

As human beings, we are only inspired to take action for a cause when we take it personally. Only then are we truly ready to go forth and make a difference for others. What we like most from our efforts, however, is how it makes us feel to have helped them. Without the good feeling emotions that come from having helped others, probably no one would ever do any such thing. These are the emotions that offer us love toward others, joy and a sense of accomplishing something good. Without these vital emotions, we would be lifeless. – Jon Kennedy