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Monday, February 27, 2012

A new way of being...

It will take a new way of being for all of us to become, and exist in a world of peace. It is attainable through the miracles offered by the Universe. - Jon Kennedy

Friday, February 24, 2012

Keep it all positive…

To say and feel, for instance, that you’re life is going to get better is to imply to the Universe that you have a problem. Repeating it over and over to yourself and others accomplishes little, if anything at all. Change that thought and feeling to something like the given example, “all is well with my life and I am now receiving the (fill in the blank) that I desire.” Keep it all positive and discard any negatives. Use this method anytime you find yourself thinking and speaking negative thoughts. You will get to a point where you just can’t or won’t remain in a negative state for very long. It just won’t feel good and you’ll revert back to a positive mode much quicker than you did before you practiced this way of being. Go for it! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, February 23, 2012

All of your thoughts manifest...

A thought does become something real in your life; not just any thought, but all thoughts good and bad are continuously manifesting into what can be called this miracle known as your life. Make a quick assessment and see where you stand right now with your life and know that your thoughts brought you to this moment just by the way you think about things. A course correction in your thinking will take your life down a different path. May it always be a magical path for you to traverse! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You can always offer assistance...

No matter what your current situation in life happens to be, you can always assist someone else who needs much more help at the moment than you. – Jon Kennedy

New: Inspirational Perspectives on Facebook

Join our new group on Facebook "Inspirational Perspectives" where you can share your inspirational insight with others.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Those who inspire us...

Without individuals who inspire the rest of us, this world and our lifestyle would look a lot different than it does at this moment. – Jon Kennedy

Your peace of mind is paramount…

If your peace of mind is ever taken away from you, it’s usually because you’ve allowed it to happen. Simply do not allow anyone or anything to deprive you of your peace of mind. It’s too easy to give in to someone or something’s shenanigans and stew all day over whatever it is that you decided is worth depriving you of your peace of mind. Instead, shun then negatives and allow yourself to have an incredible day! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Incredible lives for all...

Allowing love to abundantly manifest in your life in every way is what it's all about. Here's to an incredible life manifesting for all around the world! - Jon Kennedy

Friday, February 17, 2012

You can depend on the Universe...

You cannot always depend on others to come through. You can always depend on the Universe to come through! - Jon Kennedy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Awakening! Abundance" video presentation available for viewing

Awaken to the pure lifestyle of ABUNDANCE! This is the second in a video series of three presented by 111 Productions. Get ready to propel yourself to a higher level of awareness as we explore abundance, love, manifestation and other fascinating topics that will give you a different perspective on eternity through spiritual writings and poetry.

Send an e-mail request to: to join our e-mail list for information regarding upcoming events.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Become upbeat and positive on the spot...

When things are going our way, we can remain in a great mood. But when things aren’t going the way we would like them to go, it’s easy to become and feel upset, stressed and anxious. See if you can turn your situation around by becoming upbeat and positive regardless of what seems to be happening around you. You will see a difference! – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dreams are more than just imagined...

Manifesting your dreams is very attainable because you’ve already imagined them. No dream can ever come to fruition that isn’t first imagined by the dreamer. The imagination phase of making your dreams come true is reality because you feel excited imagining them in the very same way you would if they had come true already. Keep on dreaming! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, February 13, 2012

You can do much good for this world...

You never know when you’re going to say just the right combination of words to someone and help them tremendously in some way with their life. Listening to them is a great way to increase the odds of these magical moments. You really can do much good for this world, just believe it! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Universe is in control...

We are all at the mercy of the physical Universe. If it suddenly decided to change everything about itself including the earth and all of us, we would have to go along with all of its makeovers whether we like it or not. However, in the spiritual Universe we will endure for eternity, regardless of what happens in this, the physical Universe. Here’s to always being - physically and/or as pure spirit. – Jon Kennedy

Friday, February 10, 2012

Remain in a positive state...

When you make the realization that you can go from a negative feeling state to a positive feeling state at this very moment, but you choose to stay negative, you’ve just indicated to the Universe that you desire this, and more negatives will be on the way in your life. Consciously take, and choose to remain in a positive state, and more of the good things in life will be on their way for you! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Abundance is your life...

No matter how you view your life, you absolutely do have a life of abundance. We come from a Universe of abundance and it’s ours for the asking whether here on earth in our physical bodies or after we continue on solely as a spirit. Others have abundance in their lives and they are made of the same stuff you are. Are they not from the same Universe you’re from? – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Awakening! Love" video presentation available for viewing

Watch this video presentation that is a collaboration of Jon Kennedy's perspectives, and Sam Bath's poetry, regarding the topic of LOVE.

Awaken to the pure LOVE lifestyle! This is the first in a video series presented by 111 Productions. Get ready to CATAPULT yourself to a higher level of manifestation, ego, feelings, imagination and many other fascinating topics of self-discovery!

Thank you for viewing!

Copy and paste link:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Live your life while you're here...

Age is meaningless until we put it front and center in our lives. We’re alive until the very last breath – so go ahead and live your life while you’re here! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, February 6, 2012

Have the courage to go for it...

Sometimes we have to, or want to do things in life we aren’t ready for. Once in a while you just have to dive into the pool head-first and swim your way through it even if it you’re fighting for air at first. If you don't, you may never have the courage to go for it. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love is everywhere...

Love – it’s abundant in the Universe. There is no shortage of love. You can say that love is sparse, but look all around. Can you not see that love surrounds you? How could love ever exist without your awareness of it? We have a special gift: we can give and receive love. Love in this moment, and keep finding more until you overflow with the joy that it brings. You don’t have to look far, because it’s right here! – Jon Kennedy

Friday, February 3, 2012

Life can become magical...

If we consciously live in the moment, the Universe will allow us to see things very clearly and we will grow into a spiritual life that becomes quite magical. The key is being ready to have our lives orchestrated by the Universe. You simply yield to the Universe with the understanding that you are no longer in charge, and let it show you how you may serve. A way will be shown to you. And remember that it serves you in return. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Grow in the direction of a spiritual life...

Once your spiritual life becomes your way of life, you’ll wonder why money and material things were ever such top priorities. Although needed, those things will begin to seem petty and fractional in your life. Grow in the direction of a phenomenal, unlimited, spiritual life and you won’t be interested in looking back for all of the abundance that comes into your life! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Your life can really take a turn...

A sage is simply the receiver and conveyor of messages of wisdom that they’ve garnered from the Universe to impart to others who are unaware, but may be in need of hearing spiritual inspiration. Your life can really take a turn for the good once you discover or you’re made aware of this new way of contemplating things that certain others want to share with us. You’ll see! – Jon Kennedy

The way you think...

Just by the way you think about things, you can make yourself sick if you choose, or you can choose to stay well. You make the choice. – Jon Kennedy