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Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to work in total harmony…

In a world which could be of incredible abundance for all, never be duped by those who claim and control most of its resources and call them their own, that there are shortages of any type of what they produce for us. Shortages are nothing more than artificial contrivances to take advantage of people and charge them higher rates. Bottom line: it’s all about more money for them, not how your lifestyle is affected because of their decisions. I ask God to please grant all of us your utmost wisdom to move us into an incredible age where humankind discontinues the taking advantage of, and preying on each other any longer. Show us how to work in total harmony by serving you, as you would have us do for the good of all others. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No Universe like this one…

Without love, there would be no Universe like this one. We can thank God for that! – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Who could ask for more than freedom? We certainly don’t want less of such a great and precious gift. Freedom and prosperity to all! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, January 28, 2013

A greater alternative…

We should never penalize our citizens for being wealthy, unless we believe that communism or some other form of tyrannical government would be a greater alternative to our free capitalist democracy, where the option to aspire to be wealthy wouldn’t exist for us. God bless America! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Worth preserving, protecting and defending...

The Constitution, when tampered with by the government, always results in much resistance from the people. Prohibition (Amendment 18), for instance, went over like a lead balloon and it was eventually repealed (Amendment 21) because it created such a rebellion among the citizenry that it was truly a ludicrous amendment to have ever been added in the first place.

Some may say our Constitution is an ancient document that has become irrelevant. But discard it and watch for wealthy tyrannical leaders to emerge immediately who would take away all of our rights as citizens of this land.

Honestly, our Constitution is very much worth preserving, protecting and defending! - Jon Kennedy

Thursday, January 24, 2013

True friends...

It’s good to have a few friends you can count on for anything through bonding and mutual trust. Some have all of their friends near to them, and some have them dotted around the country and the world. Wherever they may be, there is nothing more valuable or great than true friends who are there when you need them, even if it’s just for a good conversation. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The 2nd Amendment – no party can be left out…

The right to bear arms, or the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, was put in place for Americans for the ages to defend themselves – not just our generation. We should not be generation to foolishly repeal it just to suit our needs of the moment. But if so, only through much, much deliberation with all parties concerned, i.e., democrats, republicans and all other parties, should all options we weighed exhaustively and a wise decision be reached. No party can be left out in this extremely sensitive matter that cannot and will not be taken lightly by the American people when it comes to our rights as citizens to bear arms. God bless the Constitution and America! – Jon Kennedy

The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution (as it is written): A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We are here for the love and greater good of all…

Why does anything that you do matter?

It’s possible to imagine a moment when you weren’t yet born, and you can also imagine a moment when you will no longer be here. However, during this period that you are physically alive, you have God’s blessing to live a life in any way you choose. You can choose to live it all for self, or you can serve others as our Creator would have you do.

We are here for just a short ride. But the most important lesson we can acquire while we’re alive is that God wants us to discover, as soon as possible, that we are here for the love and greater good of all, and not selfish reasons. It’s tragic that some never make this discovery in their lifetime as they pass-on.

Remember, we are included in the love and greater good as well, so self-interests to serve others actually become interests for the love and greater good of all - you included - and once again, not for selfish reasons.

Back to the question: Why does anything that you do matter? Simple! Just ask God how you can lovingly serve, and our Creator will show you a way, and make it matter - absolutely! God bless you! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, January 21, 2013

The last word...

No greedy and egotistically motivated elitists with power and control over many others will ever match the power and love of God. God always has the last word - not any of us. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The greatest reason to get your faith back…

If you have faith in God, keep it! If you’ve lost faith in God, get it back right away and keep it! We’re physically alive on earth for just a moment. We’re spiritually alive with God for eternity. This is the greatest reason to get your faith back right away. God is always with us – ALWAYS! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A God-fearing civilization…

Common sense is the big component that keeps our civilization from coming apart. Without it we would not be living and loving the lives we currently enjoy.

If you think our current system is in ill-repair, just know that it would stay in ill-repair if common sense were missing from the equation. Right now civilization is in much better shape than you may imagine, regardless of current events, but it’s always capable of taking a turn at any given moment for better or worse.

With as many people as there are living on earth at this moment, consider it an amazing feat that we are still intact as a civilization. That’s a good thing for sure.

Thank God that there are so many who persistently pray for this world! Without God in our lives, there would be no common sense, or eventually, any of us.

Here’s to a God-fearing civilization that holds the wisdom to always remain intact! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The point of absurdity...

When wrong becomes the considered right, and vice versa, then the moment has arrived to ask ourselves if common sense still prevails. Our standards have been twisted and turned inside out to the point of absurdity. This is not where we want to be as a society if it's not taking us in a positive direction, but you don’t have to look far to know that at some point, we have entered into this precarious state of being for one reason or another.

Is there hope for us? Sure, but in order to correct our current state of being, we must do it before common sense fades into the sunset leaving us no reason to better ourselves any longer.

God is the answer to everything; pray for our country and the world every day! – Jon Kennedy 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The very tip of the iceberg...

Even if you were to pass away today, you’ve been blessed with living a life up to now. But this life is just the very tip of the iceberg when you consider that it’s all part of the incredible eternity that you’ve been blessed with. Here’s to God’s gift of eternity to all of us! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, January 14, 2013

The category of love…

Love is here to stay, and you can count on this. Hateful, despicable and tragic acts come and go, and that’s why they are categorized as incidents; they simply do not and cannot fit into the category of love. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The power and influence that one person can come to acquire…

Of all the people who have ever existed, very few have become famous or infamous for whatever reason. However, it’s just amazing the power and influence that one person can come to acquire to accomplish either good or bad for this world once they are considered a great person by the masses. This can be either dangerous or wonderful depending on the individual of eminence.

We need to pray for our nation and the entire world that God will grant us all the wisdom to “do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12). God bless the good in you for eternity! – Jon Kennedy

God needs to be included...

In order for America to remain America and a great nation, God needs to be included in it. God won’t bless America without the inclusion of God in its way of life. It’s as simple as that. May God bless us and constantly remind us of what an incredible nation we are privileged to be living in – never to be taken for granted. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A state of pure harmony…

Let’s be among the first to start a new trend to help each other in all ways and no longer take advantage of each other in every direction we turn. Imagine this occurring everywhere with everyone – the world would have no choice but to be in a state of pure harmony; everyone working together for the common good, not simply “what’s in it for me.” The idea of this is possible which denotes that total world harmony is tangible. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, January 7, 2013

Smile and feel great...

Not only smile and feel great, but make it a permanent way of life so that it rubs off rampantly on people surrounding you. Have a greater than great day! – Jon Kennedy


Wake up; smile; feel great; don’t let anything affect your peace of mind; keep smiling; keep feeling great; make people wonder what’s going on with your big smile; get ready for bed; smile and fall asleep. What a great day! – Jon Kennedy

Pure love that corrects everything…

Fear not what mankind has done, is doing, or will do to continue to degrade human life and this world. For it will be God’s intervention of pure love that corrects everything in a moment when mankind proves to be no longer capable of doing the Creator’s will. An eternal existence of pure love is what we are all about. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Interminable energy...

What if you had the power to always be anywhere, regardless of distance, at a moment’s notice? That would be incredible! But you already have that power whether you are aware if it or not. We are all blessed with God’s gift of eternity that sees far, far, far beyond the bounds of our physical earthly life. Our spirit is tantamount to being interminable energy that permits our bodies of flesh and blood to live and breathe until we can no longer go on. Then we revert back, once again, to the pure spirit form capable of accomplishing anything God wills us to do and be. Here’s to a beautiful eternity full of love, lessons and downright incredible things! – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

All you have to do is...

Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean that you are required to make all kinds of resolutions you have to live up to. As we all know, most everyone forgets their resolves just days into a new year. It seems like a great idea as New Year’s Eve approaches, but we aren’t really serious – are we? If we were, we would complete whatever we had resolved to accomplish in the coming year.

Resolve to help or improve the lives of others this year and beyond, and you will be helping yourself at the same time. Remember, you are part of everyone else as well, and God certainly knows this! All you have to do is ask God how you can serve others and let our Creator show you the way it needs to be accomplished. A hint to allow this to work properly is to reduce your ego to the absolute bare minimum. Happy 2013 and beyond! – Jon Kennedy