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Thursday, November 29, 2012

The furtherance of all…

It’s not simply the political party that’s important, it’s the quality of leadership as indicated through their values, integrity and common sense that counts. Working for the furtherance of all is what genuine leadership is all about. Pray for our leaders every day. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

God's eternity...

For those who have, or think they have a hard knock life, gratefully, this is not eternity here on earth, but rather a very minute fraction thereof. God chooses for us to be here, though, not for very long. God’s eternity answers all of our questions whether we patiently wait or not. We are all extremely blessed by God. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Something to get attached to…

Don’t forget where you came from! Those who become rich and powerful or rich and famous may be reminded of this so that, hopefully, they won’t go from their humble beginnings to having a huge ego, feeling and believing that they are now better than the rest of humanity. That statement applies not only to the rich and famous or powerful, but to every one of us. It is God who put us here, and it is God who will move us forward from here. No egos or things will ever be ours permanently, so it’s not worth getting attached to them. Our spirit, however, is eternal and so is the love that it accumulates. Now there’s something to get attached to! God blesses us all eternally. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, November 26, 2012

What's in it for me...

Minimize your ego, love to the maximum, and be not concerned with personal interests and “what’s in it for me.” Your real personal interest in life is God showing you how you can serve others just by asking the Creator. God serves you in return for this. Love is far, far more powerful than an ego could ever hope to be. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rich in spirit...

You are either rich or poor in spirit. Money is just a part of this equation. If you’re rich in spirit, your life is blessed and filled with rewarding happy moments, money or no money. If you’re poor in spirit, no amount of money in the world will raise it. It’s all your state of mind and how you view your life that means everything for determining the road you take, not the external material things that we accumulate. There is no need to compare yourself to others. So choose to enjoy this once in a lifetime life. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It’s really just you…

Don’t let anyone or anything make you feel like your spirit is defeated. It is you who throws in the towel and gives in to defeat. You may think that someone or something else has a sort of power over you and causes you to give up on life, but it’s really just you making that person or thing your excuse and reason for quitting. Giving up or moving forward is entirely your choice. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, November 19, 2012


Being part of any kind of a team either makes you strive to be the best that you can be, or it filters you out and you’re gone if you can’t make the cut. Lessons can be learned no matter the outcome, making you a bigger and better individual for the next round by simply refusing to allow yourself to feel and become defeated in any situation. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One individual…

It’s just incredible how one individual can choose to do either much good or much ill for the world. Either way, it’s the ego that’s hard at work making a famous or infamous name for itself – unless, of course, it takes place anonymously. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stay this way temporarily…

Every now and then it can actually feel good to be negative. There is nothing wrong with this as long as you are aware that it’s best to be negative when no one else is around to hear your gripes, and that you’re only going to stay this way temporarily and work your way back to a positive, loving mode as soon as possible after you’ve cleared your head. Here’s to happy and loving thoughts and actions! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, November 12, 2012


You need not wonder when you'll have eternity, because you have it now. You've had it all along - for eternity. God bless you! - Jon Kennedy

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The real test...

Remaining positive when you'd rather be negative - that's the real test. - Jon Kennedy

God is always worth it…

When things aren’t worth it, God is always worth it - which will lead to things being worth it again. Always lean heavily to the side of light and love, not darkness and fear. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This perfect Universe...

With all of its intricate moving parts, you have to admit that the world glides along quite smoothly most of the time, as far as we're concerned. When it doesn't, it's because the world isn't perfect, as we all know. The entire Universe isn't perfect and planet earth is proof of that. However, God has placed us in this perfect Universe for our eternal existence, and anything that we define as imperfect comes from our own imperfections and our very limited view of the Universe as human beings. So, since we are living our lives here as God wishes us to, what else is there to believe other than that we're in the perfect place for the perfect existence? - Jon Kennedy