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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Only God knows what’s best for us…

For everyone who believes in “going green” and “sustainable development,” you’ve been conditioned to think that they are wonderful things to embrace. Don’t believe everything you hear – especially this!  While it’s admirable for you to want to do right for the environment, a majority of the world’s population may be on the list of things that are not conductive to a healthy environment and need to be under the control of the Global Elite. They are, after all, the individuals with all of the money in the world, and they control all of us, regardless of where on earth we live. They control our corporations, governments and all people. How?

Food: The Global Elite control the quality of ingredients that go into every type of food you eat and product you use. It is no longer, “do you personally know anyone who is sick?” It’s, “how many sick people do you know at this moment?” Genetically modified wheat is at the top of the list for alarming ingredients, and most people consume it every day without a thought, because it is in almost all packaged foods – more than you can imagine! Beware of seedless fruits and vegetables; someone else has control as to who can grow them – not just anyone. Are we dependent on food? Absolutely!

Medicine: People can become sick, i.e., from years of eating foods with inferior ingredients. They become dependent on medication. Big pharma is controlled (like everything else) by the Global Elite, and they decided long ago that they can make an incredible amount of money treating, rather than curing society’s ills. People are living longer, so they want to make the biggest profit that they can while they’re here and suffering. Are many people dependent on medicine? Absolutely!

Technology: Now that we’ve been conditioned for years to think that we all need computers and cell phones, we are capable of being tracked by the Global Elite. The quaint days of privacy ended with these devices. And we are all willingly paying for, and relishing these modern everyday marvels. Is society dependent on technology in order to survive? Far more than you may realize! Without it, many people would die without the mass-production miracles it provides us all.

So where do the Global Elite have us? We are at their mercy. They control everything that’s vulnerable to us, and that’s just about everything in our lives. They have all the money and resources in the world to do anything they desire. What they are doing is nothing new, but rather, a snail’s pace undertaking that has slowly conditioned us to see their ways, without us seeing them or being aware of them. We have even been conditioned to believe that what you are reading right now is ludicrous. You can be the judge of that.

The good news is that, ultimately, God will have the last word in the grand scheme of things, no matter what happens. Just be absolutely sure that you know God has all of us taken care of for eternity! God is pure love. That’s what matters above all. Only God knows what’s best for us, not the Global Elite!

God bless and enlighten the misguided individuals who can’t seem to have or control enough. Infuse the many unenlightened of the world with your great and powerful light beam of wisdom, that we may all awaken to the truth! – Jon Kennedy

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