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Friday, August 16, 2013

A genuinely inspired desire…

It’s not up to me or anyone else to make you feel inspired or uninspired with our writings. You are either inspired because the writings relate to your life, or you’re uninspired because they have nothing to do with who you are right now - or ever. You could also feel indifferent about these writings because you simply don’t care about them, or anything else for that matter. It’s also possible that you were, and are a highly inspired person who has already experienced many incredible things, long before any of us wrote them.

Genuine inspiration is not manufactured, it’s in you and it’s who you are. If you are genuinely inspired to take action to go for it, regardless of what it is, you will most likely be successful. A genuinely inspired desire is so great, that you don’t need to write down on paper and reaffirm in the mirror each morning and evening just what it is that you want. It’s a genuine knowing and feeling of exactly what it is that you want, and you are willing to get it no matter who or what tries to block your way.

If you think you know what it is you want in your life but it never quite seems to come to fulfilment, then it’s because you really don’t want this thing as much as you may have thought you did. To prove this theory, just ask yourself: how much of my time and resources did I place into acquiring this thing that I desire so much? The answer will be immediately clear to you.

We are all self-motivated individuals. But sometimes it takes hearing the right words of encouragement from someone else to launch us on our way, and perhaps into the stratosphere. – Jon Kennedy

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