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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The food that we eat today…

We hear that two-thirds of America is obese and that the number is rising, causing many people a number of health problems. The food that we eat today is not the food people were eating before this epidemic began. What we don’t hear is the reason for the obesity epidemic. Why? Because the media is, in-part, controlled by the packaged food industry. What it comes down to is that our bodies don’t know how to properly process ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated ingredients (among others), so the unhealthy weight stays with us from packaged foods. If this isn’t obvious, nothing is. By the way, when you eat packaged food items containing hydrogenated ingredients, the chemical structure is only one molecule away from being plastic! Is your mouth watering now? Overall, it’s not necessarily our fault that we’re an obese nation; it’s the fault of corporations who are feeding us these weird and unhealthy so-call meals, snacks and sweets. You are on your own to figure this out. So now that you know, find alternatives to all of the packaged food items you’ve been eating and do the best that you can with this situation we’re all in. Keep the ingredients list in your foods down to just one when possible, i.e. meat, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables. Go organic as well. Here’s to your health! – Jon Kennedy

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