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Monday, September 30, 2013

If we ever think for a moment…

America is a great nation, but it needs God back in it to survive. You see and hear the top leaders in our worn out two-party system, and they prove over and over with every utterance that it has become inoperable. Party lines do not work together to get much done for any of us. It’s nothing more than a super-corrupt, egotistical, what’s in it for them system.

God doesn’t need to be included in our constitution, but He does need to be included in our collective common sense. If we ever think for a moment that we can get by without God’s grace, we are sadly mistaken! America, or any other country, will only go on if God is at the forefront of everything we do, not our egos. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, September 29, 2013

For the good of the many…

When someone says that they want to do something to help the many, but it’s actually all about their ego and how it makes them look and feel, it’s no help at all to anyone other than the egomaniac, leaving the many to suffer with their poor decisions. For that type of leader, it’s all about me, me, me.

Eventually, most people see through that individual and their personal agenda, which leads to the supposed help that they wanted to offer everyone to fall by the wayside. They, too, are soon forgotten.

Bad leaders are simply bad leaders, but true leaders are well-remembered for all that they accomplish for the good of the many, not just themselves. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, September 26, 2013

We will endure!

No matter what happens to our blessed nation, we must never give up on it. There may be some very dark days ahead for our nation, but we will endure through it all. We must work together to ensure that we are not snuffed out by anyone and their wild ideals forced down upon us. If we are on the side of God, then God will be on the side of our nation. Pray to God that much brighter days are ahead for all of us, and the rest of the world! – Jon Kennedy 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

God bless our nation!

God bless our nation that it overcomes any hardships currently defacing it. May we all unite by His grace and work together for a God-respecting community of His people. God bless America and the citizens of the world – a world of peace. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Your opinion please

What do you think is better for America: 1) Big government – more intrusion into personal lives; 2) Smaller government – less intrusion into personal lives; 3) Neither – what would you propose? Thank you all! Jon

Monday, September 23, 2013

Our approval to get excited…

We are only inspired by a motivational speaker’s words if they are orating on a subject that strikes a chord from within us. Otherwise, no motivational speaker in the world will ever inspire us to do something great if we don’t ever hear words from them that meet our approval to get excited and go for it. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Be the trendsetter...

Just because the trend for society is to be rude to each other at the drop of a hat - whether we know each other or not - doesn’t mean that it's right, regardless of how many jump on the bandwagon.

We all have the ability to be courteous to one another as well, if we so choose. Be the trendsetter who chooses to be respectful of others, whether they deserve it or not. – Jon Kennedy

Friday, September 20, 2013

Our spirit remains…

Many things are always happening around this world and they all concern us because we are alive and here right now, which makes us a part of it all.

Before we were here, and after we pass-on, we have nothing to do with any worldly events, big or small. However, after we’ve passed-on, our spirit remains with others remembering us through our recorded history of painted portraits, artwork creations, business successes, photos, videos, philosophies, inventions, philanthropic deeds, history changing events, literature - or crimes. For some, our history will remain for a very long time, depending on what we left behind for our civilization, either good or bad. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spirits of God…

We are all spirits of God, whether living or not, for eternity. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, September 16, 2013

Asking for God’s forgiveness…

You are a good person until you commit an atrocity. Changing your life for the better and asking for God’s forgiveness is the only true forgiveness that you will receive. – Jon Kennedy 

The way of God...

Be a loving person as a way of always being. You can only do right this way because this is the way of God. - Jon Kennedy

Thursday, September 12, 2013

All of your possessions...

Do you crave material possessions because you are genuinely interested in them, or is it all about quantity, status or being caught up in a craze for a hot item? Afford yourself time to look over your possessions and be amazed at just how many of them are going to waste. Decide what your reasons may be for keeping them. If the reasons are absurd, find them a new home, recycle or discard them. Above all, have fun! – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You’ve done it once before…

Once you reach a certain level in your life, when it comes to anything at all, you reach for the next level, and the next level after that. If you sink down a few levels for whatever reason, you already know that you can get back up to where you were, because you’ve done it once before. Remember to remind yourself that you can do anything again, if necessary, because you have already done it. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's simply you...

It’s not the literature or motivational speakers with magic words rolling off their pens or tongues who motivate you into action to succeed – it’s simply you, once you’re ready to go for it. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Our many actions or inactions…

The only way that each and every one of us would not be responsible for our many actions or inactions in this lifetime is if we were not here on Earth to begin with. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A go-getter machine…

If you were to read every motivational, self-help, or spiritual book ever written, they won’t guarantee that you will become more ambitious, successful, monetarily rich, or take you to a higher plane as a spiritual being if you remain in a constant search mode, always looking for the magic words to get you going.

You may never read one speck of literature ever written on motivation, self-help, or spirituality, and become the world’s richest and most successful person to ever live. How? It’s because you felt that you knew what you wanted and you kept going until you got it, regardless of the amount of effort needed to fulfill your avid desire. You become a go-getter machine, and nothing will stop you from getting what you want.

One thing is for sure about this – you know when it’s working for you, and it’s exciting. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

When inspiration returns…

Lack of inspiration for a long period of time is possible, it happens, and it may turn out to be a good thing after all. When inspiration returns, you will be eager to begin whatever it is that inspired you into action, happily concluding your recent lull. – Jon Kennedy


Just when you think you know every curve that people can throw at you, someone else surprises you with yet another curve and knocks you off kilter.

It’s the greatest learning experience that we can have, and it will continue to the day that we pass on to greener pastures. All of these experiences can be viewed as positives, because the more that we have of them, the more that we keep on our toes as situations arise throughout our lives. Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A chicken with its head cut off…

The next time you find yourself in irritating situations that call for hasty decisions – with the exception of an emergency - deliberately slow down the situation in your mind and then outwardly. You don’t have to be a crazy person who runs around like a chicken with its head cut off unless you think you do. And don’t allow others to make you crazy with their demands as well.

Honestly, some people thrive living their lives on the edge; always coming down to the last second to arrive at their appointments, and driving on the last ounce of gas in their cars before filling-up again.

However, for those who don’t thrive on this type of lifestyle, they can choose to slow down and avoid as much tension and headaches from it as possible – or not. It’s all about choices. – Jon Kennedy