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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The neat nick who wants the spotless property…

Why are certain individuals only happy when their homes are spotlessly clean and unlived in? Obviously it’s a personality trait, but the only happy person in this situation is no one at all. Most other members of the household have trouble living up to such a high standard of cleanliness. And the neat nick who wants the spotless property at every given moment can’t live up to their own demands either, because everyone else at the residence is constantly making a mess for them, miniscule as it may be.

Happiness is not a spotlessly clean and unlived in home. Happiness is being grateful for all that you have, including your loved ones who make all of those irritating messes for you. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our spirit would continue on…

It is possible for us to physically exist and never know God. We could be an extremely primitive and illiterate culture and know nothing of God. Would this keep us from ever knowing of God? No, because once our physical experience on Earth had ended, our spirit would continue on in its eternal voyage created by God. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, July 29, 2013

The positive side wins…

If someone negative disguises and presents themself as being a positive force for all, and simply dupes many, it will be found out and corrected even if it takes a long time to occur. The positive side wins because the negative side is always like a house of cards, ready to crumble at any moment, officially removing itself from the scene. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Create and make the rules…

Your world is what you believe it to be. If you see it as dark and dreary, then that’s what it is for you. If you see it as bright with wonder and always full of adventure, then that’s how it will be for you. You create and make the rules and you abide by them, because you say so. – Jon Kennedy

Friday, July 26, 2013

Still on the side of God…

I still believe, in my opinion, that America can overcome its current decline being perpetrated by dark forces working around the clock that are attempting to destroy her ideals.

If America is still on the side of God, He will be on America’s side as well, regardless of what our difficulties may be. Pray for our nation daily – it’s worth it!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

OPINION: Those who make the laws break the laws

Laws which are invented and implemented in this land of ours by those in a position to vote them into being, are people with brains, egos, deceptive ways, and devious behavior. Some of these individuals are basically decent people as well, no doubt, but it is we who vote them all into office.

Those who create the laws have made sure that they apply to all citizens; they do not apply to the lawmakers.

Isn’t it amazing that the lawmakers are exempt from all laws that apply to the rest of America, including Obamacare? What does this say about all of our laws including Obamacare, if our lawmakers want nothing to do with the very thing (the law) they are here to enforce on the rest of us?

All opinions are welcome. I do not have an answer for this outlandish issue, but I would love to read any feelings regarding this you may wish to post here. Feel free to agree or disagree. Thank you! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It’s just opinions…

Opinions are a dime a dozen. I know, I’ve had a few. Understand that when you offer your opinion, you place yourself in the position of being disputed, as does someone else offering their opinion.

Opinions are often accepted a fact, but they are certainly not facts. This may be true when an opinion is just right for the sake of convenience because it sounds good and it’s easy to agree with.

Unless you have the undeniable facts at your disposal relating to whatever the topic may be to share with others in various settings, it’s just opinions with minute value.

Opinions make for much conversation, debate and entertainment for all. But they’re not worth fighting for or losing friends over. After all, they are opinions, not hard facts. However, this is just my opinion! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, July 22, 2013

External surroundings...

Don’t allow anything or anyone to have a significant or minor effect on your peace of mind. It is always you who allows to have your day seemingly ruined by external surroundings that you internalize as yours. Had none of these negatives presented themselves to you, there would have been no way for you to have any involvement with them. Therefore, when they do present themselves to you, the choices exists for you to either delve in to them, or simply turn away. It’s up to you whether you believe it or not. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Positive thoughts on a daily basis…

By keeping your mind associated with positive thoughts on a daily basis through reading, listening, feeling emotion for them and taking action, you’re on a much more attractive path in life than if you are aware and indifferent, or simply unaware. - Jon Kennedy

Friday, July 19, 2013

Follow your heart...

You will never take a wrong and turn it into a right, even if everyone on earth believes this wrong to be correct. Individuals or society can tend to justify delicate matters in their heads that they know in their hearts to be wrong when it becomes convenient to sweep problems under the rug, so to speak.

The decision for society to take the wrong path over the right path may become accepted as correct throughout the population over time, along with some dissenters. But a lie in reverse is never going to change into the truth.

When your heart tells you that you are committing a wrong, follow your heart and immediately retract; your head will get you into trouble often. Once again, follow your heart! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Far more power in love…

No matter how incredibly advanced technology becomes, we can never take any of it with us when we pass on. The only tangible thing that we can spiritually take along with us is love.

There will always be far more power in love, than in any technology we can invent. – Jon Kennedy 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Your way of being...

Some people have high expectations and get through nearly all challenges in life as they arise, seemingly without much effort. Some people have low expectations and constantly create one challenge after another for themselves.

Change your lifestyle of thought from ALWAYS THE VICTIM to ALWAYS THE VICTOR. Don’t just think this way when a crisis occurs in your life, think of this so often that it becomes your way of being; it becomes your lifestyle. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, July 15, 2013

A life of liberated creativity…

It’s very easy to get into a routine life where we go through the same motions over and over again, until we’ve repeated them so many times that we could actually do them all in our sleep. In a sense we are doing most of it unconsciously, but with our eyes wide open – driving included. Subtleties that occur throughout the day are not enough to break our routine, such as someone asking for a pen, or a co-worker calling us to ask a question about meeting up for lunch. The only thing that could break us from an ingrained routine is to have something occur that’s completely unexpected, such as receiving news of a medical emergency that has occurred with a loved one, or discovering that you’ve won a lottery for millions of dollars, etc.

When our mind is able to return to our routine, we find it difficult to recall just exactly where it was that we were interrupted in our routine. But because it is a routine, we can mentally trace our steps and figure out exactly where we were interrupted and go forward from there.

The point is, routines are conventional to many, but they’re not very fulfilling. They don’t make life very interesting, that’s why they are simply known as routines, which are equivalent to that of an assembly line producing the same item using the same processing equipment over and over again, day after day, month after month, and year after year. It’s the same results every time – never any different.

Understand that having a routine life, in a sense, can turn us into robots that always look forward to weekends, vacations and personal days off. These are the only days where we can partially shutdown the robot response that is automatically lent to a routine or humdrum life.

However, having a life of creative thought and production, and loving what we do every day, removes the boredom of a routine life. Waking up to this critical fact can be the first step in an important realization to having a life of more than just boring routines; it can be the first step in having a life of liberated creativity your way, with all kinds of magic moments each day, and never a dull moment to be found! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Devices that convenience and burden…

The world continues to adapt to whatever the technology of the day happens to be. For instance, in 2013, count the number of places you can be in a day and NOT see someone who is completely self-absorbed, scrolling up and down on a smart phone with one finger, or texting with two fingers - endlessly.

A few short years from now we’ll see lots of people doing something else with the devices that convenience and burden us at that time.

It’s obvious that a majority of us have thoroughly gravitated to a high-tech lifestyle, whether we’re aware of it or not. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our nation will prevail…

America will always be a great nation unless, God forbid, a day arrives, and we are no longer America for whatever hideous reason. Until that day, we can be grateful to live in a country with more liberties and abundance than many other countries could ever dream of having.

America will always have its ups and downs, but our nation will prevail through it all. Hats off to the good ole USA! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, July 8, 2013

Our spirit is indestructible…

God is with us, and we Him, for eternity. In other words, our spirit is indestructible for the duration of God’s eternity.

Our lives here on earth may come and go, but our spirit is always and forever. God blessed us all - long ago. Jon Kennedy

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The ability to pray for them…

When someone is impervious to any inspiration to help others, they are either depressed or apathetic. The former is unfortunate, but the latter is usually instilled by a life of misery, or a huge and unhealthy ego with elements of superiority.

It would be amazing if anyone in either state-of-being were reading these words right now by choice.

For those who fit these descriptions, we have the ability to pray for them. Let God take care of them; they are His creations. Pray that they will experience God’s miracles, and let God do the work.

God bless you for being provided with the innate ability to understand the meaning of this message! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A document that Americans have fought and died for…

Find one liberty you would choose to have removed from the U.S. Constitution, and you’ll soon discover that NO liberty should ever be removed from this precious document. It’s a document that Americans have fought and died for, and kept alive now for 237 years. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A very profound, happy 4th of July – America is worth preserving!

The Founding Fathers knew that it was absolutely worth fighting for America’s independence from tyrannical rule. Is America worth defending from further tyranny, or will our nation’s ideals fade away because everyone thought that someone else would take care of things? The answer is, yes, America is absolutely, without question, worth preserving at all cost!

You have to know that we are truly blessed to be living in America! Anyone griping for a better country to live in should, by all means, live in that country, make a comparison to what it was like living here in America, then make their decision.

Congratulations to all of us, we have made it this far along a rocky path to our 238th year of liberty as a nation. It’s up to us here and now to keep the feeling, the love, the idea, and the nation of America, alive and well, not just for us, but for many, many future generations to come. We are a part of America’s history, but we’re not the entire history book.

There is nothing superficial about having the privilege to say to one another, happy Independence Day! We must appreciate that there has been much bloodshed in this declaration of liberty for all. Brave men and women have died, and continue to die for you and me! Believe it!

A very profound, happy 4th of July 2013, and many, many more! “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all (quoted from the U.S. Declaration of Independence)! – Jon Kennedy 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Being an American...

Go ahead and wear red, white and blue colors; display the U.S. flag in front of your home; wear a flag lapel pin; play patriotic music on your devices loudly, or your home sound system; recite the pledge of allegiance with your hand over your heart every morning, alone or with a group; have a deep love for your country; thank God that He blessed you with American citizenship. All of these things are good things. There is no reason to ever be ashamed of being an American.

Our nation has done wonderful things for other nations, in need, for many, many years. More than ever, it is very important that America survives all of the hardships it’s going through. We are the only democracy on earth that has proven over and over again, that it has always been the shining beacon of hope for the world when help is needed somewhere. The world would be a far lesser place without the United States of America. We all need to be caretakers and make sure that this never happens to such a great nation with such a great way of life!

Pray and contribute to see that America’s greatest days still remain ahead! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Battle of Gettysburg - 150 years ago

150 years ago, July 1st – 3rd, 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg was being fought between the divided Union (north) and Confederate (south) states and their ideologies. It was the battle that turned the tide of the Civil War, bringing eventual victory to the Union. This is a moment to reflect on what America must have had to endure at that time.

A big salute to all of the military men and women who have fought bravely and died for our great nation since its inception! God bless each and every one of them!

What a blessing for us to be able to proclaim, happy 4th of July! – Jon Kennedy