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Sunday, June 30, 2013

America is such a magnificent invention…

During the 4th of July holiday, it would be refreshing to hear patriotic music playing on every street corner in America. Not only during the holiday, but throughout the year as well. America is such a magnificent invention that it should be celebrated each and every day in some way.

None of us were alive during the revolution, and we can’t quite appreciate what it took for a few brave colonists to muster up the courage to break away from, England, and form a union of free-states. But knowing where we came from, and what we had to endure, is hopefully enough to understand that we do not wish to return to a state of tyranny ever again!

Freedom for all! Happy Independence Day 2013, number 238 and counting! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Advance to greatness…

We are truly blessed as a civilization to have the mental capacity to learn, be inspired, and advance to greatness individually or as a whole, if we so choose. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No one will have to tell you…

Whatever it is that you did with your life, you were either given no choice, influenced or inspired to do it at some point either recently, or long ago. For instance, how happy are you in your career? Is it unrewarding, or is your work so satisfying that it’s more like playtime for you every day?

Joy is extremely important for your well-being. If you find no joy in your work, but the benefits are great, is this reason enough to stay on your current path? Only you know what you are willing to endure and for how long. You have your reasons for staying if you so choose. But only you will be able to give yourself permission to move beyond your despicable career.

When you’re ready to make your life more exciting, no one will have to tell you to do it, because you know that you’re ready for positive change. You will transform from the person with the undesirable job, to the person who knows exactly what they want and imagines having a ball doing it. This is a great thing to experience, because many will never experience this. You are blessed! – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Have a lot more fun…

If you’re just looking to get through each day, then you’re not living your life - you’re existing. However, your life can be more exciting when you tell yourself that it’s alright to have fun like the next person does. As a matter of fact, you can have a lot more fun than the next person does when you realize that there is no limit to how much, and what level of fun you wish to have in your life.

Here is to having lots of fun, and as often as possible! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, June 24, 2013

All by God’s grace…

Nik Wallenda understands the meaning of living in the moment. When his life is balancing on a narrow cable high above the crowd, we hear him praising God. At moments like this, he is closer to God, through Jesus Christ, than almost anyone else on earth. He knows that each precarious step he took as he crossed the Grand Canyon, was all by God’s grace, imparted on him to accomplish such a fantastic feat that he had always dreamed about.

Nik discovered long ago to place God, through Jesus Christ, at the center of his life. While performing, he knows that, no matter what happens to him, he can’t go wrong with, Christ, at the center of his life. The same rings true for all Christians.

Here’s to living in the moment and truly knowing God, through Jesus Christ! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Consistent and expected...

God’s Universe will never suddenly become capricious as to make everyone wonder what is happening from one moment to the next. The Universe is full of consistencies that need not be understood, because they are at constant work, whether we exist or not in the equation.

What is constantly at work with human beings is consistent. Yes, it’s true that we are all thrown surprises from time to time. But, that too, is consistent and expected in our existence.

The next surprise, either good or bad that comes your way, is really no surprise at all to the Universe; it’s just another consistency. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Absolutely your choice...

It’s instinctive to sense that being with those who lean to the positive, brighter side, are much more affable than those who lean to the negative, darker side of life. You make the choice as to which side you prefer to live your life in general. You may have been raised thoroughly influenced in choosing a darker way of life. But deciding to take the happier, more positive road, is absolutely your choice and your choice only. You must take all of the credit for this decision. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It is much more desirable…

When you truly desire something more than anything else, you will usually get it. You’ve changed your thinking so dramatically that this is who you’ve become. The person that you were didn’t desire the thing that you want now. This change occurred either voluntarily when the moment was right, or by having it forced upon you. In other words, it is much more desirable to be excited and want to make $1 million, than to be forced to, somehow, acquire $1 million that you owe someone who will have your legs broken if you don’t pay-up immediately.

Having a huge desire for something indicates that you are ready, with passionate feelings, to possess it as soon as the Universe can possibly deliver it to you. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

These words of inspiration…

When someone is inspired to do something positive for the world, the inspired sends his or her inspiration out in all directions by any means available, sharing their wisdom with all who are receptive and ready to live by, and spread these words of inspiration to others.

Be ready to act on inspiration 24 hours a day, it can present itself at any moment! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, June 17, 2013

We are all created spiritually equal…

We are all God’s creatures and part of the same Universe. So, why does one person have great health, and the next person suffers badly? Why does another person have more money and possessions than 25,000 people combined, and someone else can’t find two nickels to rub together?

Life is not fair, but it is just this life on earth that’s not fair. In God’s Universe we are all created spiritually equal, because our existence is eternal for every one of us.

View the big picture, not just a tiny slice of it known as life on earth. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thank God for love…

Without feelings, there can be no love to give or receive. Thank God for love. It's the one, tangible thing that we keep for eternity. – Jon Kennedy

Something that’s much bigger…

We are all a part of something that’s much bigger than just this fleeting life here on earth. At the same time, this brief life here on earth is a big part of our eternal existence. It has meaning. – Jon Kennedy

Your idea...

When you don’t know what you want to do with your life, and someone with whom you’ve imparted this tells you what you should do, the idea may seem interesting for a period of time when you give it a try, but it usually won’t come to fruition, because it wasn’t your idea.

When you do know what you want to do with your life, you will seek out and find the information you need to steer you on the correct course to get there. This is your idea and it’s much more likely to succeed. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

In 100 lifetimes...

For any person to ever utter the words “I’m bored,” certainly hasn’t observed the world around them. Everyone on earth, together, could never do all that there is to do in 100 lifetimes. Boredom is a state of mind, based on how you feel personally. – Jon Kennedy

Much closer to God…

We are all connected, yet we insist on allowing the ego to make us feel more important than the next person through material possessions that we accumulate based on our personal wealth.

If you could consciously live without your ego running the show, you could learn about being humble. You can’t have a huge ego, not be a pretentious individual, and be guided by God. You can have a minimal ego, be humble, live a great life, and be much closer to God, because your ego is no longer calling the shots.

Who is more capable of running things – us (ego) or God? – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Arrive at your dream...

Having a dream but not doing anything to make it come true will simply lead to nothing more than a dormant dream with potential just waiting for instructions. But knowing exactly what you want and taking footsteps to arrive at your dream will lead you to the resources, and the resources to you, to get what you’ve been dreaming about. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The right thing to do...

Action or inaction can be both good and bad, depending on the situation. Here are a couple of examples.

Announce to the world that you’ve discovered a cure for a hideous disease, and the world commends you. Discover a cure for a hideous disease, but keep its existence from being known to anyone, and you may as well be a cold-blooded murderer with no conscience.

Become an infamous criminal and the world condemns you. Decide never to be a criminal and do only good for the world, and no one will have ever thought of you as bad.

Whatever you decide to do, or not do, you’re the one who will always know in your heart if it was the right thing to do. By not being in a state of denial or feeling of apathy, you can choose the right way to go. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Raise your frequency…

The world of television, reading junk e-mail or junk mail, and complainers, have one thing in common: they get very little respect from anyone. They also drag your spirit down the more you pay them your attention, which can affect your health and well-being.

Disconnect yourself from this low frequency of existence and connect to a higher one, by consciously eliminating these disrespected entities. Unless you truly love these miserable things, you’ll want to raise your spirit to a much higher frequency. By doing so, you begin to notice that all of those people and things that drain you of energy, melt away until you’re surrounded more and more by other people and activities that bring you up to a higher plane of life and living. Raise your frequency and that is who you become. Lower your frequency and that, too, is who you become. You give yourself permission to be what you wish to be!

If this is what you want your life to mirror, a conscious effort to arrive at this peak is absolutely worth it! God bless your effort!  - Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Physically and spiritually well…

You must be in good health, physically and spiritually, in order to invent, create, help others, have a career, have fun, exercise or do good deeds. If you are not doing anything listed here, ask yourself how you’re feeling in general. Until you are physically and spiritually well, you will not be able to concentrate long enough to accomplish anything on the list above.

Remember back to a time when you were busier with living your life and accomplishing things. Declaring that something is up can be a step in the right direction to get you going again. God bless you! – Jon Kennedy

Monday, June 3, 2013

It’s the system that directs us…

Whether we realize it or not, our daily movements are directed by others. If you want proof, just try driving your car any distance off the road. Obviously the road directs us and we simply follow its path.

We do what we do because of the system that we’re an integral part of. We’re on auto-pilot and we don’t think about it, because this is our life and it’s shaped like it is, and we follow along with each direct.

Those who shaped, and are still shaping it are brilliant in their discoveries of control over the population.

Why do we need cars, cell phones, computers, cameras, etc.? It’s the system that directs us into thinking that we all need the same things to be happy and conform. Ultimately it’s all about money; this is why the system has been created.

Try living within your own unilaterally created system of existence and you’ll find very soon that you surely miss the system that had previously directed you through your life with much less effort. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Those on the opposing side…

Good can appear to be evil when both sides ignite in violence. When the fight to push back or eliminate evil comes to the forefront, those fighting for a good cause are forced into a battle situation in an attempt to outwit, outmaneuver and out-resource the enemy in order to obtain victory. If the good guys win the battle, evil is curtailed or eliminated. If evil wins, oppression is born or already present.

Good may appear to be evil, especially to those on the opposing side during a struggle. But only through forced confrontation, initiated by tyrants, can good make an attempt to be the victor. – Jon Kennedy