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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It runs much deeper than that…

There are too many who think that their beliefs in our elected leaders and major national issues is reason to heavily debate one another and then avoid the other side with polar opposite beliefs to theirs. But it runs much deeper than that. The fact is, the entity that has us bickering with each other has won in this situation. It has divided Americans by sucking us into its logic of low expectations, and it seems to only grow uglier with each passing day.

If Washington politicians truly had it together there would be, at least, bipartisan teamwork and harmony in solving our nation’s woes in the name of “we the people.” But this isn’t the case. If it were, I wouldn’t have had any reason to write this. But the two-party system has proven time and time again that politics as usual is nothing more than lies and empty promises to the American people. They are responsible for our low expectations of them; we simply expect their deceit because they have trained us to expect it. It’s all part of the game.

May God bless and truly heal America. He is the only One who can! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wonderful things will happen…

When you let God take control of your life by placing all of your faith in Him, wonderful things will happen. For anyone who is skeptical, you probably haven’t placed all of your faith God and allowed Him to take control of your life.

Will all days be smooth sailing and not present any challenges to deal with? No, but the difference is that you allowed God to take control of your life by placing all of your faith in Him, and He is carrying you through any good or bad situation that arises. God bless you! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Allow God to show you…

When you allow God to show you how to serve, He provides you with all of the tools, people and energy needed to get the job done. Ask God how you can best serve Him. He is waiting to hear from you. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Allowing your ego to run the show…

If you’re not in communication with God and asking for His assistance every day, then you must be allowing your ego to run the show. Your ego will never take you as far as your relationship with God will. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We are with God for eternity…

Hypothetically, if the entire world were to go away forever for some unknown reason, leaving not one of us left to pick up the pieces and start over again, it begs the question: where was God when we needed Him? But God would have already saved our spirits, even if our world suddenly disappeared with us physically standing on it. We are with God for eternity, not just while we’re here living our lives on earth. We are spirits of God, always and forever – wherever we may be. God bless us! – Jon Kennedy

Facebook post # 1,000

Monday, April 22, 2013

Look for good...

God has equipped you with the choice to take yourself up the positive trail of life, or down the path of negativity. Look for good and you will find more good things. Seek out sordid things and you will certainly attract them into your life. God can keep you on the positive trail - if you ask.  – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, April 21, 2013

You are there and it’s very real…

When you think about something very good or bad from your childhood, and everything around you seems to disappear, and it’s just you and that thought – as far as your mind is concerned, you are there and it’s very real. When you snap out of it because you’re either ready, or distracted by person or noise, you’re back here again. There is as real as here. Use it for feeling good and laughter as much as you can and you’ll always be entertained by yourself. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Recycled information is cheap…

The information age is just that: lots of information, with little of it being truthful or credible. Don’t be too quick to pass on e-mail stories and posts from the internet to others until you’ve checked their validity. Rumors and untruths are running rampant in this colossal information age. Recycled information is cheap. Be wise and make sure that it’s factual before you spread the word about anything to others. Much of it is simply fluff. – Jon Kennedy

Had ancient history occurred just a bit differently…

Where we have arrived today with what can be described as our ever encroaching technology, began in ancient times, with ancient discoveries, inventions and political decisions that have led us to this very moment. Technology is more than just inventions to make our lives easier (which can be debatable), but the tangent we are on as a civilization that can either advance us into a bright future, or take us down a dark path to destruction. This has been true throughout our history. Had ancient history occurred just a bit differently than it did, everything would be dissimilar right now to what it is, because different decisions about things would have been made. There is a good chance that many of us wouldn’t even exist right now, and I surely would not be writing this. There are literally infinite scenarios for our civilization to be playing out. Our lives today are just one of endless possibilities. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families!

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families who were and are an unwilling part of the Boston terror attack. May God’s love comfort and heal them in this moment where nothing makes any sense.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Acts of peace...

Pray to God that deliberate acts of violence, by some, are entirely replaced with deliberate acts of peace, by all, around the world. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rely on God through Jesus Christ…

Don’t rely on yourself and your ego when a tough situation arises. Rely on God through Jesus Christ to get you through miraculously. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What feels better…

The most important thing that we can learn while we have this moment of physical life is to offer as much of our love to others as humanly possible. Instead of finding fault in others, find love for others in all ways. Love is the real thing, whereas everything thing else just doesn’t really matter. What feels better – despising others and being viewed as loathsome, or giving and receiving love in everything you do? – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

He has blessed us…

Only God knows what eternity really is, and He has blessed us all with it. – Jon Kennedy 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Once we mature...

Everything that exists in this Universe is pure energy – including empty space. In other words, energy is super abundant and available for all and could be free for everyone, once we mature into a civilization that is no longer motivated by greed. – Jon Kennedy

God is always right here…

If you feel that there is no one, God is always right here for you - forever! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, April 7, 2013

He is on our side as well…

I still believe that we will see great days ahead. We may have our shortcomings, but God does not. If we are on the side of God, He is on our side as well.

Who other than God will ever be able to cure us of our ills? If we look to Him for guidance through Jesus Christ, anything is possible for us. Pray for all, but especially the non-believers. – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Our only road to follow...

I am offended by all whom I seem to be offending in my country. Jesus Christ and God are anything but offensive, yet there are individuals who believe that both should be removed entirely from our lives. I completely disagree with these secularists. Either knowingly or unknowingly, they have taken the road of darkness; an existence void of our Creator.

Our only road to follow is the one to Jesus Christ, Son of God; the light and love of our eternal existence. Any other way is no way at all.

May God infuse, thoroughly, the wisdom for these individuals to find God through Jesus Christ, while the moment exists. Amen! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God knows our every move…

To be sure, God knows our every move eternal. There is absolutely nothing we will ever do where God isn’t present. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Our Creator will be sure to set us straight…

Political correctness is an abomination and must be erased from our culture before it obliterates all of us! It’s a destructive and dark force in America today. It doesn’t take the side of common sense. Righting wrongs is what it does. Many minds have been twisted by this disease, and it reaches into all avenues of our lives now. However, there are still many astute individuals who have the wisdom to know the folly of political correctness.

If we all ever reach a point where we’ve forgotten, forsaken, or simply never knew God - our Creator will be sure to set us straight that His existence is real! May you come to know God, very well, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! – Jon Kennedy 

Monday, April 1, 2013

America can be saved (born again)

Perhaps America has reached a point where it needs to be saved (born again) by God through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God bless this land and all Americans with this wakeup call of understanding and common sense to save ourselves and restore us to the nation that all nations may look to with respect, knowing that they can count on us. Amen! – Jon Kennedy