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Sunday, December 30, 2012

A matter of perspective…

If 2012 was a challenging year, 2013 will have to be much better. If it was a breeze, look for more challenges to emerge (hopefully positive). Rarely will things remain status quo. Remember, your idea of “challenging” can be entirely different from the next person, i.e. finding the right smart phone can be a challenge for one person, while fighting a life-threatening disease can be a challenge for someone else. It’s all a matter of perspective. Here’s to an incredible new year for all of us and our country! God bless us all! – Jon Kennedy

Year-end trivia: Did you know that 2013 is the first year since 1987 that all four digits are different?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Existing in the moment…

Life here on earth is a mere trifle when compared to the full scope of eternity. The illusion of time is relevant during our lifetime to give us structure. Existing in the moment is all that matters in eternity. We have been, currently are, and will continue to exist in the moment for eternity. – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

God is always and forever...

If you don’t believe in God, then whom would you believe in? God is always and forever, and we get to be an integral part of this eternity. God bless us! – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all! May your life always be filled with the Christmas spirit of giving! – Jon Kennedy

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Only God has the answer…

Friday, December 21st, the last day of the Mayan calendar, and life still continues on. Since when have we ever predicted our demise anyway? Obviously, the doomsayers haven’t to date. Only God has the answer to that, and I don’t believe that any one of us would want know this gloom and doom scenario ahead of time, especially if we had to be a part of it. Like Y2K, this too now passes on. Soon it will be, thankfully, put out of our minds. Surely something else will come along for all of us to be thinking about - it’s just our human nature at work. God bless us, one and all! – Jon Kennedy

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Prepare for peace...

It’s much simpler to prepare for peace than for war. – Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Think how exciting…

If God had intended for us to not have love, humor or common sense in our lives, there would be no good deeds, laughter, accomplishment or good feelings in the world. Think how exciting that would be; it wouldn’t. The more love, humor and common sense we garner as a whole, the closer the world moves toward peace. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, December 17, 2012

For all…

Concentrate on peace and much love for all every day. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, December 16, 2012

When bad things happen...

It’s understandable why someone can get upset and blame God when bad things happen to them or their loved ones. But God can never be blamed for anything, because our Creator loves and cares for us eternally, not just during our short stint here on earth. – Jon Kennedy

Friday, December 14, 2012

Facebook Post # 900

Prayers go out to all victims and their families and friends affected by the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Those who were killed outright will endure as spirits of God for eternity.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Harmony, happiness and love…

If we all learn how to live in a paradise world of harmony, happiness and love, there won’t be any room for individuals who can’t conform. As of this writing, the world is on the edge of this reality. The only thing that has stopped this from taking place is lack of unanimous belief. However, for those who do believe, we are steps closer to an incredible world for all. – Jon Kennedy

How to live in harmony...

Discord is the opposite of harmony. This world is a world of harmony; it is human beings who are living lives of discord. If we can figure out how to live in harmony with each other, we will remain that way, because life will be a paradise that no one is willing to spurn. - Jon Kennedy

The secret...

When we all finally learn to work in harmony in this world, and not take advantage of each other any longer, we will have discovered the secret of the Universe. - Jon Kennedy

Magical moments...

When you're looking for beauty, you'll find it everywhere you look. So many don't pay any attention to this and miss many magical moments. Take time to make the discovery of beauty a way of life. It's truly a beautiful investment! -Jon Kennedy

How you're treated by others...

Regardless of how you're treated by others, understand that this is who they are. Whether they ever know you or not, they will still treat others the same as they would be treating you. - Jon Kennedy

Place your order...

If you want a wonderful life, place your order and make it such. Who else is calling the shots for you if you won't? - Jon Kennedy

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Finish what you started...

When you can’t seem to get anything done no matter which direction you turn – stop and take a break regardless of what’s going on around you. Now, begin again and see if you can finish what you started. You probably can now that you’re on a new tangent. – Jon Kennedy

Monday, December 3, 2012

A big reflection...

Whether you believe it or not, the change or improvement you wish to see occur in others is a big reflection of what you want your life to be like. – Jon Kennedy

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The love and light…

Love or fear the world; one or the other is all we can choose to do. God will show you the love and light. – Jon Kennedy